Cosmopack 2020, Hall 20 Stand E31 | Innovative and versatile, competitive and high quality monodoses

Valmatic celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2020 and offers the market its "double soul": on the one hand, the design and construction of thermoforming lines for single-dose and double-dose packaging - SBB machines, sold all over the world, with quick and easy to use format changes - on the other, the offer of a third party service for thermoformed single-dose packaging, where it also takes care of the secondary packaging.

Valmatic's  winning strategy  has always been its consulting approach, combined with creativity and continuous research in the field, which has led it to develop a deep know-how regarding  the materials and shapes of single-use containers, also thanks to their diffusion in various industrial sectors (not only cosmetics but also food, veterinary and chemical). 

Valmatic is successfully investing in the cosmetics sector, developing and proposing new shapes and new packaging, easy to open and apply, such as travel kits for face serums, weekly shock treatments, skin care and beauty masks to carry with you at all times, responding to the need of those who want to carve out a small space of well-being on the move, in the gym, in the office…
We particularly cite the innovative disposable squeezable vials for face treatments with hyaluronic acid, serums and boosters, customizable in shape and color.  


Reduced environmental impact, high safety. For the production of its single-use products, Valmatic uses laminated plastic materials, about 80% of which come from recycled plastic materials

The thicknesses are so reduced that 30 2 ml single-doses, once used, have a weight far lower than the cap of a standard face cream.


In addition to the really low environmental impact, the advantage lies in the perfect preservation of the cosmetic product that, inside the single dose, remains fragrant even with formulas with a low preservative content, because sealed until the time of use.
Practical, easy to transport and economical: these, in short, are the characteristics of the Valmatic single-dose formulas. 

And the cosmetics concerns appreciate it. 


Via Filippo Turati, 5
41030 San Prospero Sulla Secchia (MO) -Italy
Tel. +39 059 906550
[email protected]


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