Steel packaging: protagonists of the Italian summer

RICREA promotes the advantages of a packaging rightly defined as “nature’s strongbox”, with awareness actions aimed at consumers.

Inevitably present in packed lunches on the beach, in boat galleys and in camping supplies, steel packaging is a feature of our summer days, as well as of the Italian food market. Jars, boxes, tins, cans, drums, buckets, canisters, caps and closures are synonymous with safety and practicality as they keep the taste, consistency and nutritional properties of foods intact, protecting them from light, humidity and contaminants.

More aware citizens. To promote the importance and advantages of steel packaging, RICREA - National Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling of Steel Packaging, part of the CONAI system – is in the front line with a series of awareness initiatives: the “Capitan Acciaio” (Captain Steel) and “Cuore Mediterraneo” (Mediterranean Heart) roadshows were organised, for example, this summer, taking educational and informative activities to squares and Italian summer resorts, directly involving citizens and showing in a concrete way how to recognize, provide and use steel packaging.

Recycling percentages can still grow.

«Summer is the perfect time to raise the awareness of a vast public regarding the importance of recycling and sorted collection » Domenico Rinaldini, President of RICREA underlines. «Italians are already very virtuous: our country stands out in Europe with a recycling rate of 87.7% of the steel packaging issued on the market. We are convinced, however, that we can do better: with a greater effort on the part of everyone, we can achieve even better results and further contribute to protecting our planet. ».

Besides focusing on communication initiatives, RICREA is constantly committed to improving the steel packaging collection and recycling system, collaborating with local authorities, waste management companies and sector industries. This commitment not only contributes to reducing waste, but also supports the creation of a virtuous and sustainable supply chain, able to generate economic and environmental value for the country.

Steel: solid, safe, sustainable.

Steel is not only synonymous with food safety: it’s also a noble and permanent material, which can be recycled 100% and an infinite number of times without losing its original characteristics. In a global context in which environmental sustainability has become a priority, steel is a concrete example of the circular economy: every packaging that is correctly delivered and recycled becomes a precious resource for manufacturing new products.

Find out more information about the companies mentioned in this article and published in the Buyers' Guide - PackBook by ItaliaImballaggio

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