Profit up again in 2023 for Innova Group
In 2023, Innova Group recorded a turnover which was down 20% due to the fall in the cost of paper. This figure did not, however, affect profit margins, in line with the results of the previous year; profits, moreover increased by 1 million euros and growth in shareholders’ equity by 12 million.
With a turnover of over 127 million euros, Innova Group closes 2023 with net consolidated shareholders’ equity standing at around 92 million euros and an increase in customers to around 2000 at the end of 2023.
Sustainability and technical upgrading: investments Investments
in 2023 reached 4.5 million euros with differentiated allocations. From the new 400 Kw photovoltaic plant in the Borgo San Giacomo site, which after that of Fontanella achieved the prestigious result of zero emissions, to the technological upgrading of a Jumbo line in the Fontanella site. From the improvement in logistics to internal handling, from general technical modernisation in all the sites, to the purchase, finally, of new industrial land next to the Erbè site.
In addition to the above, there is the planned investment of around 12 million euros aimed at the acquisition of 3 new machines: two case-makers and a rotary or die-cut printer, depending on the needs emerging in the 2024-2025. The Caino, Borgo San Giacomo and Erbè sites are the main beneficiaries of these investments.
A look to the future
The three Directors, Diego, Luca and Stefano Pedrotti, presented the financial statements together with their mother Giulia, widow of the founder Giovanni Pedrotti, in Innova Group’s Caino site (Brescia). According to the managers, the first six months of 2024 have proved to be in line with the previous year; with regards to forecasts for the second half of 2024 and the first half-year of 2025, they see a new fall in strategic sectors such as food, reflecting the general trend of the Italian and European economy.
There is particular focus on human resources, for which there is a growing difficulty to find qualified staff. With regards to the company’s personnel, the development of a training course is under way for technical-commercial figures, enabling them to respond to customer needs in an even more precise and proactive way.