The role of EPS in the ecological transition

With the “AIPE 40: Una Storia per un Futuro di Sostenibilità” (a History for the Future of Sustainability) conference, AIPE, the Italian Association of Expanded Polystyrene, took the opportunity to reflect on the past and, above all, to look at the future of sintered expanded polystyrene (EPS): a longstanding key packaging material which has now been reinvented in the light of environmental questions

Giampiero Zazzaro

From left: Giuseppe Rinaldi, vice presidente edilizia; Alessandro Augello, presidente; Paolo Garbagna, vice presidente imballaggio

The 40th anniversary of AIPE was celebrated on 18 October at San Gaudenzio Castle in Cervesina (Pavia). During the event, the President, Alessandro Augello, referred to issues such as regulatory challenges, technological innovation and the role of the association in promoting a more circular and environmentally friendly supply chain. And how EPS, often criticised, can actually be a precious ally in the green transition.

In the context of increasingly severe environmental regulations, the EPS sector is called upon to demonstrate its ability to adapt. How is AIPE facing the challenges regarding EPS sustainability, developing and promoting solutions for recycling and reuse?
«First of all, I need to say that polystyrene is an extremely valid polymer with an unmatchable cost/performance ratio. We, therefore, have to learn to defend it and enhance it as best as possible, as well as to be proud to produce a material like this in our factories. We are working hard to increase its recovery, reuse and recycling rate, thanks to the collaboration with various suppliers of raw materials, as well as to create increasingly sustainable materials and obtain an increasingly virtuous collection process. Thanks to this commitment, in fact, in the three-year period 2019-2022, in Italy, over 20,000 tonnes of polystyrene were recycled, recording an average increase of 25%. AIPE represents, overall, more than a billion euros of GDP, with which we contribute to the development of the country and is managing relations with institutions with determination, especially with regards to the constantly changing regulatory framework which is increasingly severe for the business world. In this sense, correct and targeted communication on the intrinsic value of EPS can guide public opinion towards looking at this material 'with different eyes'».

How are the dynamics of the EPS market in Italy evolving with regards to the circular economy, and how is the demand for sustainable materials affecting production choices?
«The Italian market is reacting positively to the growing attention to the circular economy. The industry is evolving to comply with the regulations and to meet the demand for sustainable materials. For example, the introduction of minimum environmental criteria (MEC) has pushed many companies to produce recycled EPS, incentivising the demand for compliant products. These developments are essential for maintaining the right balance between sustainability and market competitiveness».

The synergy between the private and public sectors is essential for guaranteeing the development of effective policies. In what way is AIPE collaborating with governmental institutions to promote the sustainable use of EPS?
«I absolutely agree with the fact that the synergy between private and public is necessary. The political situation can be complex, and so it’s fundamental to work together so as not to remain isolated and to propose achievable strategies.  
We actively work with institutions, consumer associations and other industrial groups to develop policies that are based on concrete data and on an integrated vision of sustainability, able to represent different interests, therefore, not only that of industry, but also of the general public. This multidisciplinary collaboration is the key to facing the challenges linked to the ecological transition».

Meeting Aipe at San Gaudenzio's castle (Cervesina, PV)
Meeting Aipe at Castello di San Gaudenzio (Cervesina, PV)

Technological innovation is revolutionising many productive sectors. What are the emerging solutions influencing EPS production?
«Let me start by saying that innovation is at the centre of our strategy. With regards to the transformation production cycle, therefore downstream, the entire industry is oriented towards the use of energy from renewable sources.
Producers of raw materials are moving towards bio-based solutions and mechanical recycling, which represent a response to pressing needs in terms of environmental protection. In addition, many companies are investing in renewable energy systems, which significantly reduce CO2 emissions, contributing to creating a low environmental impact production cycle. These technical developments are essential for keeping the industry competitive in an increasingly demanding market».

In the latest version of the PPWR of April 2024, the regulation further limits EPS, adding the prohibition of using of EPS and XPS for food and beverage packaging. What actions and tools has AIPE adopted to deal with these new restrictions?
«The PPWR does not add prohibitions or restrictions on the use of EPS in its current applications but sets out a roadmap which aims at increasing recycled quantities and the use of minimum percentages of recycled material inside new packaging. A number of targets have already been achieved by EPS and we are working on others, together with the entire supply chain, in order to be fully compliant with what the regulation requires. The increasingly close relationship with consortia that are involved in the collection of packaging and with the materials industry forms part of this process».

Find out more information about the companies mentioned in this article and published in the Buyers' Guide - PackBook by ItaliaImballaggio
AIPE - Associazione Italiana Polistirene Espanso

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