The Harmony of the spheres

Editorial by Davide Miserendino

I can’t begin this editorial, my first as director of ItaliaImballaggio, without thanking Stefano Lavorini, who in 1994 – guided by taste, intuition and a heightened (especially social) sensitivity, founded this magazine, and made it great thanks to the fundamental help of Luciana Guidotti, co-director, and a close-knit team.

Stefano accustomed those who regularly read these pages to encounter philosophical concepts expertly applied to industry. I would like to mention one myself, because I find it particularly well suited to recounting who we are and what we do. It relates to the so-called harmony of the spheres. In ancient times, it was thought that celestial bodies moved thanks to enormous rotating spheres. These movements involved unimaginable forces, producing equally powerful sounds which, nevertheless, ‘compensated’ each other, generating harmony. Why don’t we hear them? Because, explains Cicerone, “the ears of men, filled with this sound, would become deaf”. 

The sound filled their days to the point of no longer being heard. It’s a concept that I see in packaging, so essential and everyday that it is sometimes barely noticed. And in communication, a sea in which we are immersed and which we often take for granted but which, if it disappeared from one day to the next, would leave us with a terrible sense of loss. 

I say this with pride, underlining the importance of those who, like ItaliaImballaggio, recount the stories, the protagonists and innovations of an industrial sector. And, thanks to the far-sighted approach that Stefano has given to the magazine, it talks thus about society, how we consume, how we work and the world surrounding us. About ourselves.

ItaliaImballaggio begins 2025 making a number of changes to its “look”. Leafing through this issue you will notice lighter graphics, conceived to enhance the photographs and simplify reading. You will also navigate between new thematic sections: events, unmissable for a sector that often and willingly prefers face-to-face meetings, focus areas, that is, the key themes of the issue, “facts and figures”, in which we describe, with the crucial aid of numbers, the current economic situation, interviews with protagonists of the entire packaging supply chain and the hot topics of the moment. 

We hope you like it, and most of all, we hope to meet you soon in order to find out what you think.


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