Where safety (& security) is heading

The SPS fair in Parma was an opportunity to meet Horst-Dieter Kraus, Marketing Manager of Pilz GmbH & Co. Kg. ItaliaImballaggio did not miss the opportunity to address the “safety & security” theme in Italy and in Europe with one of the sector leaders, also seeking to know its future development plans.

«We at Pilz - Horst Dieter Kraus begins - have a clear goal: we want to be considered safety&security automation suppliers through our expertise. Everyone in the Pilz Group works daily on the process of conceiving, developing, producing and applying new specific products to guarantee the best offer to our customers».

This is how Kraus starts out, immediately highlighting the strong specialization that has always distinguished the company over the  years, by virtue of which customers can count on Pilz to obtain ad hoc products and solutions, as well as on customized services for the study of solutions that are complete in terms of safety&security.

A uniqueness claimed not only in words but with facts, which the market can recognize because, after all, it is the knowledge and awareness of the operators that determine the success of the safety&security applications.

You are known for  your safety sensors controls. Currently, with Industry 4.0, both low (I/OLink aboveall) and high level (towards MEM, and ERP) communications networks are fundamental. How are you tackling the issue?
We are focusing our activities on intelligent, interconnected products, which in addition to communicating with other systems will communicate with users to define their skills as to how they approach the machines. This, in our goals, entails exploiting IT tools that nowadays have become our “digital prostheses”, notably smart phones or tablets, so we would like to help develop new digital business models, which will exploit the data collected to offer additional services and perhaps in an “as-a-service” mode (an example for all: predictive maintenance) through our cloud.
As far as communications networks are concerned, Pilz is an active member in the work group for the I/OLink safe specifications, while, as regards more complex communication systems, we are participating in the development of OPC UA that can truly meet the needs of the market for maximum openness in the use of sensors and control logics never mind the manufacturer, as well as success in the IT world, creating a truly universal protocol.
You are obviously planning to present new products in the near future. Can you mention the main ones?
We are working to make radar systems available for detection of presence in certain areas; the new radar sensors will also be able to operate in external, even dusty environments where traditional laser scanners operate with difficulty. However, this product is only the starting point. The second step will in fact be a radar for rotating arms, which will follow our philosophy of offering the customer the solution for their specific application.

Regarding applications, the relationship with the customer is fundamental in the study phase; many competing companies have a consultancy office also dedicated to issues related to Industry 4.0. How is Pilz moving in this area?
We are also moving in that direction, but rather than limiting the industry 4.0 paradigm to a consulting department, our future strategies are based entirely on the new concepts introduced by the smart factory. The objective, on the one hand, is to supply products that, when placed in the production chains, are connected digitally with our customers’ sales section, so as to allow them to almost  modulate production to the needs of their individual customer. An immediate “just in time”, with real-time reactions from both sales and

Safety & Security in a single system
The PITmode Fusion system by Pilz allows you to select the functionally safe operating mode and to regulate the access authorization for machines and systems
Through coded transponder keys (RFID key), each operator can assign the machine authorizations appropriate to his skills and competences. Transponder keys are available in a variant with a free description and also with permanently set authorizations. The safe evaluation unit (Safe Evaluation Unit) recognizes the predefined operating mode, evaluates it and switches it safely from the functional point of view.
PlTmode fusion is the modular version composed of the PlTreader reading unit with RFID technology and a separate evaluation unit (Safe Evaluation Unit - SEU). The transponder keys are inserted into the memory and acquired in the PlTreader reading unit. The Safe Evaluation Unit analyses the selected operating mode and converts it in a safe manner from a functional point of view. You can choose up to 5 operating modes. By separating the components, PITmode fusion can be integrated into existing operator panels and combined with the existing buttons.
The PlTreader options range from the simple release to authentication for specific partially autonomous functions of the machine up to a complex authorization matrix organized hierarchically.
The solution can be implemented as a stand-alone device or in combination with a Pilz control system.

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