Smart components for smart intralogistics

With increasing automation, intelligent control of the flow of goods in conveyor systems also plays an increasingly important role.

The new demands of the motion market are looking for satisfaction in better technological performance of material handling systems without accumulation (ZPA - Zero Pressure Accumulation). It is no longer just a question of flow velocity or greater variety of goods to be handled.
Interroll Italy meets the needs of the market by offering the new DC Platform, a powerful technological platform that responds perfectly to what the world of motion requires. Claudio Carnino, Interroll Italy sales director and country speaker, made it clear: «With the DC Platform, Interroll has embarked on the path of intelligent componentry with which it is possible to create customized high-performance systems that can be integrated in a coherent and transparent way into the world of data from modern Industry 4.0 applications, such as monitoring at control stations, predictive maintenance or other functions».

The main component of the DC Platform is the new RollerDrive EC5000 with three power levels that increases flexibility in mechanical output power.
The motorized rollers are available in the 20 W, 35 W and 50 W versions, which meet the most diverse transport needs, from light to heavy goods.
To support the realization of solutions for the transport of heavy goods, RollerDrive is not only available with 50 W power, but also in diameter from 60 mm instead of 50 mm.
Also available are the well-known “IP66” and “Deep Freeze” formats, which allow the use of the solution where it is necessary to clean with intense water jets or where the goods must be transported in environments in temperatures of up to -30 degrees.

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