MECSPE 2020 presents the "Factory without limits"

Mecspe, 18-20 June 2020, Parma - In the collective imagination of the young, the professionalism linked to the factory environment is considered synonymous with static and repetitive working. A common prejudice that does not take into account the digital transformation that has taken place in recent years and the use of Industry 4.0 tools which, through dialogue with technology, place the person at the center of the factory.
To debunk this false stereotype, MECSPE, the benchmark fair for the manufacturing industry promoted by Senaf, will host the “Factory without limits”, a core-exhibition of 2,000 m2 in Pad. 4 conceived in collaboration with the CFI (Intelligent Factory Cluster), with the aim of encouraging the exchange and interaction of knowledge between companies and young people, providing a fair correspondence with the current conformation of the 4.0 factories, and bringing young people closer to factory.
Inside the area - designed interactively and multimedia, to allow an immersive experience in the characteristics of the digital factory - there will be space for gamification, IOT, augmented and virtual reality, cloud manufacturing, digital twin, 5G and Big data, simulation, wearable devices, additive manufacturing, cobotics and artificial intelligence.
Other initiatives at the fair
- The awards “Robotics and automation innovation”, “TMP Degree Award”, (by the Italian association of Plastics Technicians, in collaboration with Plastix magazine) and “Award 4.0” (organized by Industrie 4.0 magazine).
- Simulation Summit, 2nd edition of the independent Italian conference on CAE (computer-aided engineerin) simulation in the industrial sector.
- “Blue is the new green”, the Materioteca® project will offer examples of technologies and systems for a circular, bio-based economy.
- Initiatives and thematic areas set up by national associations, including Confartigianato, Ascomut, CNA Produzione, APINDUSTRIA, Confindustria, etc ...