1-3 October 2018, Monaco Luxe Pack

Sustainable development, personalization, digital technologies and natural products: these are the themes of the 31st edition of Luxe Pack, the perfect showcase for materials, design and technologies for luxury packaging.

It will be an intense three days, at the final frontier of the luxury segment, one distinguished by a high concentration of creativity and which is often able to drive the evolution of the entire sector, anticipating trends and innovations.
The fair’s offering spans all aspects of premium packaging: raw materials, closures and caps, labels, pouches and bags, samples, phials and monodose, tapes, pumps and valves... And on top of all that, design, decoration and finishing techniques.
At the 31st edition of the Monaco event, organized by Idice, more than 470 exhibitors are expected, including leading global enterprises and SMEs operating in the packaging sector, 47 of which new arrivals.
In line with the more than positive numbers of the 2017 edition, over 9000 visitors are expected to attend, mostly qualified professionals, roughly half of whom international.

Hot topics
Luxe Pack 2018 will feature new contents, catering to the most current and stimulating demands, to which the high end brands are responsible for responding.
The schedule of conferences, organized in thematic sessions, will be led by high-level experts and speakers, with the involvement of brands and manufacturers. Chief among the focus areas will be sustainable development, to which will be dedicated a special session investigating, among other questions, the role of traceability technologies in guaranteeing ethical production of products throughout the supply chain.
On the topic of personalization, another important theme of 2018, exhaustive reports and talks will be provided, alongside many solutions proposed by exhibitors.
Much room will be also be dedicated to digital and connected solutions, an unavoidable leitmotif for anyone looking for updates on the technological frontier of the packaging of the future. The best solutions of suppliers and manufacturers will be on display in a select space, the Digital Village (Atrium Hall), supported by dedicated roundtables.
Finally, “natural” products, which figure among the emerging trends within the beauty sector in particular, and to which consumers are proving increasingly sensitive, will be at the center of the exhibition area and Luxe Pack Formulation conference series.

In queste pagine, una selezione dei prodotti in mostra a Luxe Pack 2018



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