A software that knows how to dialogue

Coding, marking and labeling systems; metal detectors for detecting metallic foreign bodies inside products or packs ... And now also a software for the safe monitoring of production lines.

In its role of sole partner Nimax brought many 4.0 solutions to Ipack-Ima 2018, awakening the keen interest of visiting operators.

Among its most recent - and more sensational -  proposals that relating to Line Strategy, the driver for controlling the production line, which interfaces the management software with production, packaging and warehouse systems, connecting all the line devices, even those made by different producers.

LINE STRATEGY by Nimax Software that lets different systems and technologies interact with each other. It enables monitoring of the line in real time and the extrapolation of data for a complete management control, enabling a real Industry 4.0

In practice, Line Strategy enables the real time monitoring of the entire production process: by connecting all the devices, which are automatically tooled up, thus minimizing human error, the system activates and prepares control logics on the lines, it monitors efficiency and intervenes to report faults allowing the defective lots to be removed and reduce waste.

The software hence acquires the production data, which is then exported and organized through Business Intelligence software in reports functional to the specific analytical needs of the various departments (quality control, logistics, marketing, production).


Modulo principale interfaces with all line devices, connecting peripheral modules. It manages data flow, notifications, user authentication, populating the central database.n The production registration module registers all the operating data detected by the lines.
Nimax_LineStrategy_02_0.png► The production activation module transmits the setup and configuration parameters to the production lines; it interfaces with the handling systems (LGV and/or AGV) and automated warehouse.The operator management module interfaces with badge reading systems and, interactively, with the operators. It allows users to be profiled, and records the operations performed (log).
► The quality module integrates product measurement and inspection systems (checkweighers, Xrays, metal detectors, barcode readers, vision systems for OCR/OCV and faults, etc ...). In the startup phase it implements sample control logics. It manages additional data, such as the results of checks carried out on the line, or the timing of the scheduled checks.
► The scheduled maintenance module reports the scheduled maintenance interventions according to the component MTBFs. It updates the timing of the maintenance performed. It enables the direct registering of the interventions on the line, indicating times and interested parties.
The interface module enables the customisation of the data interface according to customer specifications, for integration with the most popular Business-Intelligence software.
► The WMS (Warehouse Management System) module manages identification and movement between the storage areas of raw materials, wrappings, packaging and consumables. It identifies incoming materials and tracks their subsequent use. It manages warehouse loading/unloading processes and storage allocations according to optimized logics. The control data is made available to the management system. It enables an easy check on the status of the warehouse from a supervision station. It allows complete dispatch of shipping orders, based on customized picking rules according to customer needs (FIFO/LIFO, expiry control, customer attributes etc.). Once the shipment has been completed, it generates a packing list that can be transmitted automatically to customers and/or logistics centers.


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