Converting machines: + 38% on the Italian market
From Acimga’s interim balance for 2015 the first positive data for the sector Italian graphics industry, papermaking and converting machine builders’ association.
Turnover has increased by 5% compared to 2014, reaching a value of 2.2 billion euro, of which 78% comes from exports. Domestic sales have increased a full 38%, going from 360 to 500 million euros, a level not seen since 2000. The recovery in domestic investment is also evident from + 19% in imports. These data are reflected on the employment front, with workforce employment that has increased by 150 units, reaching a level of 7,100 employees.
Global presence. Printing presses and packaging production are the leading edge of the Italian mechanical engineering. The companies that design and make the same, represented by Acimga, are authoritative ambassadors of Italian products worldwide: Thanks to their technical expertise and their dynamism on international markets, about 60% of rigid containers or flexible, of different nature and destination, present in the shops of the 4 corners of the Earth are made or rendered attractive, traceable and secure with Italian machinery. In the ranking of world exporters, the sector represented by Acimga is in fact second only to Germany.