Rana relaunches Buitoni plant in Moretta
Giovanni Rana is preparing to relaunch the Buitoni plant in Moretta (Cuneo), acquired last March from the Swiss multinational Nestlé.
Image credits: Giovanni Rana
The company aims to make the plant the largest production centre in Italy by the end of the year by installing new machinery and taking on new employees, with the workforce expected to double from 200 to 400 in the space of just a few years.
However, because the Moretta plant will produce both classic Rana products and Buitoni products on behalf of Nestlé, the number of employees in Moretta may even be tripled and overtake that of the headquarters in San Giovanni Lupatoto (Verona). At the same time, the Verona-based group is continuing to expand in the United States, where it intends to open a new factory alongside the one already operating in Chicago.
However, it will continue to focus on Italy where it is designing a Google-style research centre alongside its Verona headquarters and where according to CEO Gian Luca Rana it is ready to eliminate the use of plastic packaging.
Rana currently has an annual growth rate of 20%, sales of €700 million and earnings of around €16 million. It generates 70% of its revenue from exports to 52 countries.