
Do you want to find out the best beauty products and trends seen at Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2017? Discover CosmoprofTrends, a special project conceived by the trend agency Beautystreams.

logo_trends_250x200_w250_h200.jpgCosmoprofTrends is a digital reference guide for the Cosmoprof Beauty Community with the best 50 products and 10 beauty trends presented during the show.

A unique tool that allow buyers, journalists and experts to understand the market trends, through the products, the words and the case studies of those who constitute the Cosmoprof community.Lanciato durante il 50° anniversario di Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2017, CosmoprofTrends è il nuovo punto di riferimento per la Beauty Community di Cosmoprof.

To find out the trends and the selected products, download the complete report.


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