Design from the land to the table

Shows, conferences and cultural activities dedicated to the topic of food: this is MODESIGN - “Made in Iuav”, organized by the Iuav University of Venice’s degree course in industrial design, which was held in Treviso October 2nd - 5th, 2013.

Food, and nutrition generally, has become a particularly urgent topic of late (from this perspective, Expo 2015 is the internationally spread example of a reawakening), and design must deal with it, especially in a region, like that of Veneto, which has invested so much in promoting local products.

This year, the agri-food industry is the cornerstone of all lab courses offered in the Iuav University of Venice’s industrial design degree course’s 3rd year: product design and graphic communication students have worked on a single collective project entitled “Design from the land to the table”. From dialog with agricultural concerns, local farmers and representatives of protection agencies, emerged countless innovative ideas surrounding certain fresh fruits and vegetables typical of the Veneto region, and the best proposals will be presented in a large show.

For the many conferences, moreover, invitations were sent to representatives of the FAO, Slowfood, Coldiretti and the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition, scheduled to involve the city in public talks (with Oscar Farinetti - founder of Eatitaly - and with Guido Marinetti - founder of Grom), a design circuit in the storefronts of food and gastronomy shops in the historic center and a corner display in bookstores selecting the best international publications dedicated to food, in addition to other side initiatives still to be decided on.

MODESIGN is a project of the Iuav University of Venice for European Capital of Culture 2019.
Strongly demanded and supported by all the region’s main Associations - the Treviso chamber of commerce, Promotreviso, Coldiretti, Confartigianato, Ascom-Confcommercio, Unindustria Treviso - it has the objective of sharing the university and the student’s work with the public by showing how much design can contribute to promoting the value of various sectors of society and business.

For more information:
Chiara Pagani, Iuav University of Venice - degree course in industrial design

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