Arturo Donadoni, Behind the cover ItaliaImballaggio 03/2023

Arturo Donadoni was born on 14 April 1948 in Cà Gandolfi di S. Gregorio in Cisano, in the province of Bergamo.
He moved to Desio with his family in 1955, where he lives and works today. His artistic career began with the first personal exhibition, set up in the S. Rocco gallery in Seregno, in April 1978.

«In my early paintings, there are references to the new figurative style of the 1950s (which often spilled over into the informal), albeit with a strong instinctive component. This is how my “Germinazioni” came about. In the 1980s I took the works off the easel and begin to consider the whole, and no longer the part; no longer a tree, but a forest. It is in this dimension that the lines become simple; they join in the most obvious way and create essential shapes, in which I can add nothing and take nothing away. In the 1990s, while the principles that I thought had been acquired and were firmly established
- such as the acclaimed and reaffirmed repudiation of war -
were called into question, I reflected on the need for painting and on the role or usefulness of the painter. I’m still looking for an answer, reconsidering “the part”; that’s why I dirty my hands with tar, lime and red blood, to give visibility to the innocent, who every day risk succumbing in silence. These are the same innocent people who, in the early years of the 2000s, are showing that they are able to overcome their anguish and fear by regaining possession of their existence. Here, once again, the lines join in the most obvious way, giving contours to the immortality of being, giving body to the survivors. Now the part is the whole, and the whole is the part».