Gipea 2021 Conference. Sustainability and new supply chain projects

Held online on June 24, the Gipea (Italian Group of Self-Adhesive Label Producers within Assografici) conference was an interesting opportunity to discuss the important innovations affecting the sector, the upcoming appointments and the institutional steps on the associative level.
The day was coordinated by Elisabella Brambilla, President of Gipea, and Italo Vailati, Deputy General Manager of Assografici, who announced the Autumn Congress, the first post-pandemic meeting to be held in Bologna from 30 November to 1 December (for which incentives have been announced to encourage company participation).
There are also new institutional perspectives, including the change in the presidency, which sees the emergence of the name of Michal Sobieski (Albertini Packaging Group): a candidacy that expresses the orientation of the Gipea board to support the generational change also in the association.
And it is of strategy and innovative approach to markets, entirely focused on sustainability, that Elisabetta Bottazzoli, consultant for circular economy, spoke about, presenting the initiative for Sustainability of the Paper and Graphics Federation: a project of active support to companies of the sector, which is not limited to defining guidelines, but represents an organizational methodology and approach to the themes of corporate sustainability, built with and made available to members, to support them in this path of growth.
The day ended with two in-depth speeches on economic issues, seen in terms of analysis of the general market trend, with Carlo Stagnaro of the Bruno Leoni Institute and from the point of view of the prospects for the involvement of the younger generations in the Country System, with the presentation by Lorenzo Pedretti, of the think tank Tortuga.