A Team of experts at East Afripack for the development of SME'S

A customized technology consulting service, the “Business Technology Planning Team” to make your visit to East Afripack even more productive and profitable. The first processing and packaging exhibition catering to the entire East Africa macro-region and the emerging economies of the East African Community is coming up in Nairobi, Kenya, from September 9th to 12th of this year.

It is an exclusive, free of charge initiative developed by the producers of the show (Ipack-Ima in joint venture with PMMI) for visiting industry professionals.
A special booth has been set up to provide information and technical, regulatory and environmental support to companies planning investment in new technology. It will match demand and offer with the support of both local and Italian experts experienced in investigating development issues connected to business projects and recommending technologically and economically sustainable solutions.

«In this vast and fast-developing area the simple transfer of technology as it occurs in technologically advanced countries is not enough: it must be adjusted to radically different production scenarios and consumption markets - says prof. Claudio Peri, professor at the University of Milan and coordinator of the "Business Technology Planning Team program".
«We focus on small and medium companies, also called SMEs, and on a supply chain-oriented approach. It’s something truly innovative - concludes Peri - and takes into account food habits as well as environmental and social sustainability requirements in production processes in a fully integrated way».

The program benefits from a long, impressive list of experts. In addition to Ipack-Ima, other examples include CSQA (Certification and Inspection accredited Company in the agro-food sector), EAC (East African Community), ENEA (Italian Agency for new Technologies, Energy & Sustainable Economic Development), the Italian Packaging Institute, KEBS (Kenya Bureau of Standards), KenInvest (Kenya Investment Authority), KIRDI (Kenya Industrial Research & Development Institute), OTA (Italian Food Technologists Board), SACE (Institute for Foreign Trade Insurance Services), UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) and IOPP KENYA (Institute of Packaging Professionals).

East Afripack is powered by Ipack-Ima Spa, in joint venture with PMMI (The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies).
In partnership with UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), EAC (East African Community) and the Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development of Kenya.
In cooperation with MISE (Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico), ICE (Agenzia per la promozione all’estero e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane), ASSOGRAFICI (Associazione Nazionale Italiana Industrie Grafiche Cartotecniche e Trasformatrici), ASSOFOODTEC (Associazione Italiana Macchine, Impianti, Attrezzature per la Produzione, la Lavorazione e la Conservazione Alimentare).

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