“differEnti”: the portal for sorted waste collection in Italy
Developed by CONAI, differENTI is the platform that gathers together key information on how Local Authorities implement the circular economy through sorted waste collection and prevention initiatives for waste produced and its environmental impact.

The platform was strongly supported by CONAI to make official data, information relating to sorted waste collection in Italy and research findings contained in a number of monitoring centres promoted by the Consortium over the years available to citizens, experts, researchers, the curious and enthusiasts.
Aim. The project aims to include on a single, simple and intuitive portal information concerning the daily commitment to the circular economy involving the concrete actions of Local Authorities and citizens of the approximate 8000 Italian municipalities, which have made Italy a leading country in the recycling industry. Conceived as a veritable search engine, it allows users to ask specific questions and to compare data thanks to the information contained in the database
From the site it’s possible to access:
- data on the performance of sorted collection at national level, for the country as a whole, or for each single Municipality;
- information regarding the systems and procedures for sorted collection most common in the country and in each single Italian Municipality;
- information regarding the categories on which the prevention actions of Local Authorities are focused at local level and for each single Municipality
- the colours used for waste collection bins in all Italian cities The contents of the platform will be updated periodically, also thanks to the help of users who, through a contact form, can send CONAI comments and/or integrations regarding the information present on this site.
Access to the platform. All users of differENTI can access the statistics but, by creating a profile, it will be possible to access advanced features, made available after completing and signing a data use agreement.
In addition, differENTI will soon make new features available that will allow users to have an even more complete experience, with the possibility of searching other data and information, and, therefore, carrying out more detailed analyses on the implementation of the circular economy in the national territory.