EU proposal: organic waste collection, incineration ban

In a plenum session held last July 9th, the European Parliament approved a the non-binding Sirpa Pietikäinen resolution, with 394 votes in favor, 197 against and 82 abstaining.

The resolution paves the way for the pending set of actions the EU intends to propose concerning the theme of circular economy. It represents a clear position on waste management, introducing compulsory separate collection of compost by 2020 and a total ban on incineration of the same.

Also included is a strict regulation of landfills, which, except in rare exceptions, will be prohibited by 2030. The resolution also asks the European Commission to confirm that laws governing waste disposal be correctly applied in all member states, especially with regard to compulsory separate collection, in the hopes of putting in place a recycling/reuse target of 70% for municipal solid waste and 80% for packaging.
In the area of food packaging, in particular, it is significant that the Parliament has asked the Commission to verify the feasibility of the replacement of packaging currently in use with compostable alternatives, in accordance with European standards, obtained from renewable sources (source: Assobioplastiche).

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