Giflex: President and Executive Committee

The spring assembly of the Flexible Packaging Group (member of Assografici) meeting in Milan last April 16th elected a new Executive Committee that has chosen Dr. Michele Guala, CEO of Safta SpA as its President.

Michele_Guala_web.pngFourth Giflex President after Luigi Goglio (1985-2001), Ruggero Gerosa (2001-2008) and Pietro Lironi (2008 - 2014), Michele Guala was born in Alessandria in 1971 and graduated in Economics from the Catholic University of Milan.

After experience in the United States, up until 1999 he held commercial positions in Guala Closures. Since 2002, after the buy-up of the family concern - Gualapack - by Safta SpA of Piacenza, he held various managerial positions in the company until becoming CEO as of 2005.
Since 2009 he has been Managing Director of the Gualapack Group. In 2007 he joined the Executive Committee of Giflex, holding the position of Vice President since 2008.

The new Giflex executive committee. It will remain in office for the next three years, is as follows:
Michele Guala (Safta SpA) President
Ruggero Gerosa (Cellografica Gerosa SpA) Vice President, FPE delegate  
Marco Li Vigni (Centroplast SpA), Vice President
Elisabetta Boriani  (Lavorazione Carte Speciali SpA), Treasury
Gustavo De Ponti (Sealed Air SpA), Marketing Committee coordinator
Alberto Palaveri (Sacchital SpA), Technical Committee coordinator

Davide Jarach (Goglio SpA), Sergio Maiocchi (Seda Italy SpA) Andrea Meneghetti (Amcor Flexibles Italia), Mario Mensitieri (Icimen Due Srl), Neni Rossini (SIT SA), Giselda Virno (Di Mauro Officine Grafiche SpA).

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