Living with values

In memory of Bruno Gnudi, representative figure of that Bolognese technical-practical culture formed in that extraordinary school-workshop of Aldini-Valerini, that brought Italy’s machine industry to greatness.
Editorial by Stefano Lavorini

Gnudi experienced the dawing of the industrial culture that was all ingenuity and flexibility, home and factory, that allowed Italy to forge ahead in the postwar industrial recovery and power up to the industrial boom. His lifelong experience as entrepreneur and founder of G.B. Gnudi Bruno was substantiated by the conviction that work is a tool of emancipation of ones professional and personal qualities.
We personally have had proof of this, having many times had the opportunity to appreciate his courtesy and readiness, vivacity and wit, optimism and love of life. And aboveall the attention and the respect – from someone who really knew his worth – for all those around him or whom he encountered.

To Bruno, we dedicate this reflection

One forever writes and speaks of oneself
Closed in our oneness, we try and build bridges that bring us closer to others. And when we grasp a chance for hope we call it “love”. For our mother, a friend, a woman, for someone who arouses our admiration.
There is joy, there is pain and aboveall the feeling of being alive in recognising ourselves in someone other than ourselves. The I returns to itself changed. More lucid.
It matters little how oft we met – once a year or everyday – to understand and communicate the sense of respect that human beings should have for each other.
We know well what drives us, but only that, suddenly, without any upheaval, we discover we share this sameness with some other, over and beyond the differences, a form of common sentiment.
Time goes by “comfortably” in the relativity and the unawareness of ones own destiny. Then suddenly the ineffable occurs, each time surprising us with its inevitability. Something dies within us and the feeling of solitude becomes more pressing. Despite this, we feel grateful for the destiny that has reserved for us care, attention, devotion, passion.
Nothing is lost, and the lasting tie of future hope remains with us.


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