Story of a virtuous Forest

Thanks to the contribution of the associated cardboard box manufacturers, 660 new plants are living on the Asiago Plateau in the Forest of the Italian Boxmakers Association - Acis. How support for the experimental project “Oltre Vaia” was born and developed, an example of resilience of a territory hard hit by the 2018 storm.
Creating a “digital forest”, watching it grow in the nursery and then being an active part of a beautiful project of “resilience of the territories”.
This has been the evolution of the Forest of the Italian Box Manufacturers Association, born in June 2019 on the Treedom platform and grown to 660 trees thanks to the contribution of the associated cardboard box manufacturers.
From networked project to real forest, going by way of cardboard. The Italian Association of Box Manufacturers was the first player in the paper and cardboard supply chain to invest with Treedom in its own Forest.

A great project of environmental sustainability shared among all members, born to strengthen the commitment of the box manufacturers towards the environment through a concrete contribution to the reforestation of the areas of the Veneto region devastated by the storm Vaia in October 2018 that - with gusts of wind at 200 kilometers per hour - devastated 2,300 hectares of forest in two days.
Today, the Forest of the Italian Box Manufacturers Association has merged into a beautiful experimental project, called Oltre Vaia. A sort of “open-air laboratory” that will become an educational forest, for guided tours of schools and that was born from a joint effort of FSC Italy, Municipality of Asiago, University of Padua and Treedom.
On the peak of Mosciagh, in the Asiago plateau, about 6,000 seedlings including silver fir, larch, rowan, birch, beech, maple and other indigenous species have been planted. Not only spruce, hence, but a mix of species that will accelerate the regrowth of the forest devastated by the storm without disrupting its natural dynamics. A green heritage that will help to understand the way in which our forests are managed and testify that a recovery is possible only if we give even more importance to the resilience and resistance of these areas.
A project that looks to the future, therefore. A future that is increasingly driven by sustainability and that sees corrugated cardboard packaging making its way more and more thanks to the high circularity of the supply chain and products, based on resources available in nature and with virtuous recovery and recycling processes.