Integrated Intralogistic

At Hannover 19th to 23rd May last an increasingly international CeMAT proposed over 4,000 innovations from 1,025 exhibiting companies (58% foreign) to about 53,000 visitors, a third of which international, featuring as many as 65 the countries of origin, mainly involving Europeans but also Americans: the US has doubled exhibitors and visitors.

Deutsche Messe estimates that in the course of the event business negotiations for a record value of more than ten billion euros were started up. Much appreciated the layout in the Move & Lift, Store & Load, Pick & Pack, and Logistics IT and Manage & Service, which overall covered a total of 120,000 square meters, as well as the forums focused on applications and markets.
The next CeMAT will be held from 31st May to 3rd June 2016.

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