IPACK-IMA 2025: confirmations and visions
The trade fair brand proves once again to be synonymous with “Innovation” in processing, in packaging and in materials for packaging. Growth prospects and new goals illustrated by Annarita Rondelli, Marketing&Events Manager of Ipack Ima.
Maria Costanza Candi

With over 30 years of experience in the marketing and communication of large companies in the techco and telco world, Annarita Rondelli, Marketing&Events Manager of Ipack Ima, reveals to us the “behind the scenes” of one of the most important events at international level in the packaging & processing world. We are talking about IPACK-IMA, scheduled for 27 to 30 May 2025 at the Milan Trade Fair. Spotlight on market trends and internationalisation.
«I’ve always been involved with marketing and communication, studying and planning strategic brand positioning strategies in the market. It’s the first time, however, that I’ve worked in the trade fair area and, I have to say, I immediately found aspects of great interest. The Italian processing, packaging and packaging materials sector is a leader in Europe and IPACK-IMA is its natural ally. It’s an excellent combination: on the one side, technology, innovation and research that drive the market at European level; on the other hand, a trade fair event that is the expression of a very dynamic industrial context. Professionals, institutions and the wider public, I believe, need be aware of the journeys of innovation in the packaging which we see every day on the supermarket shelves, and not only. What I perceive, therefore, is a perfect synthesis between content and form, an aspect which is really important for me».
Europe and the world: focus on internationalisation
Italian processing & packaging technologies play a leading role at international level; in this scenario IPACK-IMA 2025 is characterised by a market positioning which will see its full development in the next three years, a theme regarding which Annarita Rondelli continues:
«The ambition of IPACK-IMA and its peer event, PHARMINTECH, dedicated to technologies for the Life Science world, is to become a venue of international business that puts know-how and innovation in the centre. This gives rise to our claim, “The Art of Innovation”, since in Ipack Ima we believe that innovation is not only a process, but also a form of art. During IPACK-IMA 2025, creativity and cutting-edge technologies will be merged; design and production efficiency will be combined, creating a strong link between the demand and supply worlds. The event, in fact, “belongs” to both exhibitors and visitors», the marketing manager continues. «There will be a series of important accelerators: from the press to the academic world, from associations such as CONAI, Giflex, the Italian packaging Institute and the World Packaging Organization, to political institutions. The aim is to promote the image of the sector and make it a protagonist in the public debate. We are aiming high and would like the event to increasingly become a point of reference, pushing the supply chain to the centre of public debate in Italy, in Europe and in the world. »
A path to quality that extends over time
There are plenty of backstage previews of IPACK-IMA 2025: «Ours is a strategy of attack» Rondelli continues. «We defined a clear trajectory months ago and now we are in the deployment phase; we have moved from theories to facts. We are covering foreign markets, participating in major sector events throughout the world, in order to have the opportunity –Rondelli underlines – to recount first-hand what IPACK-IMA is ».
Forming part of this is the important partnership with giant market-making company, Informa Markets, which is aiming to strengthen the dialogue with less covered markets and to increasingly develop its positioning as a “subject matter expert” for the sector. As is well-known, there are two sides to the trade fair: exhibitors and visitors. On the exhibitors’ side, an excellent job has been done by my colleagues and the results achieved have been exciting. Numerous companies will be taking part in the 2025 edition, attracting leaders in the market, end users and buyers together with sector associations with whom we have entered into strategic agreements at national and international level. On the visitors’ side, we are working in close contact with both our widespread network of agents at global level, and ICE ITA to bring profiled foreign buyers to the trade fair and create the best possible networking and business opportunities ».
Contamination between industrial, productive and academic cultures
What can we expect to find inside IPACK-IMA 2025? Annarita Rondelli reveals a number of previews ranging from the calendar to technology. «The four days of the event will have a rich calendar of events, workshops and conferences. We want, in fact, to offer an intellectual contribution that goes beyond an exquisitely technical content. We are focusing on strategic speakers coming from both industry and the broadcasting and publishing world to generate engaging discussions. Another element of great interest are the Smart Factories, that is, the complete production lines operating inside the pavilions, so that visitors have the opportunity to have a similar experience to that of an authentic factory. A great effort has been made by our exhibitors who, with the support of the Ipack Ima team, have been able to greatly enhance the value of the event. Not only an exhibition, but an event to fully experience from the morning to the evening with networking, business and updating opportunities».
Themes and trends guiding the contents
Partnerships, stakeholders and international speakers involved in the four days close this overview of IPACK-IMA 2025, about which Rondelli concludes: «Demonstrating the quality of the work performed so far, we have confirmed our historical partners, reinforcing already consolidated relations and focusing on very topical themes such as AI, digitalization applied to the world of machines and production and sustainability, key arguments today for the sector. The new technological paradigms and green issues are at the centre of attention of the European Union, suffice to mention the PPWR, one of the many themes for which IPACK-IMA will be an ideal venue for exchange and discussion».