ANIE Automazione’s Digital Manifesto

Presented in 2023, it continues to be, in the words of ANIE Automazione’s Vice-President Massimo Marchetti:
«A concise tool to represent all the digital skills, technologies and solutions available through our members in order to clearly position within the associative system and related institutions (DHI and EDIH, competence centres, innovation hubs, …) the coverage of the digital world expressed by ANIE Automazione through its enterprises».
Among other objectives, the need to make known to the market what digitalisation skills and areas can be found among members, receiving support from the association for knowledge-creation and training initiatives, to move from the “automation” dimension towards a “digital industry” one. The Manifesto is structured according to the three main macro themes that can reflect the world of extended operational processes: engineering & solutions, operations, digital territories and infrastructures.
Future actions. ANIE has planned synergistic actions with Confindustria’s territory-based entities, in particular, with the DIHs (Digital Innovation Hubs) and the EDIHs (European Digital Innovation Hubs) to map skills; with ANIE’s other vertical associations to orientate them in expressing their position; with the training/academic world (ITIS, ITS, universities). It also aims to create pathways to differentiate the skills expressed in various contexts from those already in place (White Papers, Monitoring Centres, thematic areas, work groups…) supporting companies in their digital evolution paths. Maurizio Cacciamani