Energy charges

Assocarta demands a “European energy bill” to thwart the competitive paralysis of the Italian paper sector.

Red alarm launched by the President of Assocarta Paolo Culicchi during MIAC of Lucca, for the ballooning of the parafiscal burdens that account for 17% of the papermills’ energy bill (1.3 billion euros/year).
«The Italian papermills risk “competitive” paralysis compared to competitor markets where almost half the production of paper and board is allocated» the president denounced forcefully.

«The only solution is a European energy policy that has the same energy charges for the manufacturing industry: in this way the competitive distortions of the energy costs like those that exist in Italy and the renewed US competitivity thanks to the shale gas can be tackled. Thus the manufacturing industry will be able to attain 20% of the European PIL, objective that should be considered as binding as the environmental ones».

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