Common principles for a conscientious design, production and use of packaging.
The project of the ETHICAL PACKAGING CHARTER, very briefly, has the objective of promoting a correct “packaging culture”, but also bearing witness to the attention of the world of packaging towards the needs and demands of consumers (conscientious citizens, made ever more aware by the values expressed by the goods chain).
- A tool for reflection and commitment for an entire segment.
- A document of common principles, with a view to the “consumer”.
- A form of ideal contract among the actors of the system.
Packaging, in its being an essential and contradictory object, is going through a phase of full maturity; as such, it demands that we all embark on a process of shared reflection.
If on the one hand the “contrary accounts” in these latter years have in particular highlighted its critical features, on the other hand one is forced into a general consideration to enable packaging to evolve in respect to the needs of the consumer, the user, the environment and society as a whole.
While being the result of a process involving numerous subjects, packaging does not have a common “platform” of combined viewpoints, needs, objectives.
The ETHICAL PACKAGING CHARTER wishes to move towards establishing a set of common principles, to connect up all the actors of the system, at the centre of which is placed the user, to reach everyone without distinction, in order to promote a new packaging culture.
The CHARTER hence wishes to provide a tool for reflection and commitment, around which all may converge.
A document of common principles to help accompany packaging through its current phase and move towards a future of greater awareness; an easily consultable and applicable document, expressed via a direct language capable of reaching everyone.
The perspective adopted is that of the “consumer” who we know as a user of the packaging tool, of the information proposed by the same, a user of services dispensed by the artefact, an interpreter of packaging as a cultural object.
It is from this prospect that the need arises for a form of ideal contract between the actors of the system who, via the signing of a document, commit themselves to a set of common principles towards which we should all aspire, making the choice public, without overriding existing regulations, without adopting cogent or forceful forms.
The ETHICAL PACKAGING CHARTER is promoted by Edizioni Dativo, in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Design, and under the patronage of Istituto Italiano Imballaggio.
The ETHICAL PACKAGING CHARTER will be published May 19 in conjunction with the opening of Ipack-Ima 2015, and presented on 22 May at 11.00, again as part of the Milan event. We wait for you.
To stay up to date and share the project registered on the dedicated website, by clicking here.