Farsighted and therefore prepared
Capsulit vs. COVID-19
Gianluca Rossi, Capsulit Spa (Roncello, MB), manufacturer of safety capsules for the pharmaceutical industry.
Capsulit carried out a pandemic risk assessment as early as spring 2009, during the spread of the influenza virus AH1N1v (swine flu). «On that occasion - explains Gianluca Rossi - we elaborated a plan with the aim of limiting the contagion of the employees and being able to guarantee the deliveries of the products to the pharmaceutical companies, even in a critical period.
This plan, updated and revised periodically in the following years, was put in place even before the Italian government declared the recent lockdown, with the adoption of all the necessary countermeasures».
In addition to the effort to quickly obtain PPE and disinfectant liquids - despite the known contingent difficulties - and to have followed all the prevention protocols established by the Government, Capsulit has organized training and training meetings for all staff, where possible activating smartworking for some business functions.
Committed to the pharmaceutical market, hence Capsulit and its subsidiaries Giglioli and Capsulit Iberica, never stopped production, allowing pharmaceutical laboratories and multinationals to pack essential, life-saving medicines during the health emergency.
Recognized by numerous customers as a "strategic supplier", in compliance with the protocols, it has always been fully operational "which - specifies Rossi - has also allowed us to not have to resort to any social safety nets.
In this regard, we want to express maximum gratitude to our employees who, in such a difficult moment, understood the importance of their work, demonstrating seriousness, commitment and availability, guaranteeing the continuity of production».
«If any problems have arisen in relation to the procurement of raw materials, we have nevertheless managed it thanks to the stocks supplied in a timely manner according to the provisions of the pandemic plan. And in any case, the majority of suppliers with whom we have consolidated partnerships for years have responded very well to our requests.
From the turnover point of view, in addition to the positive effect of some projects started even before the emergency, we record a demand of the Pharma companies in significant increase: on the one hand, the requests are oriented by the contingent need to package life-saving drugs, on the other we see the will of the big pharma to not be understocked and run the risk of not being able to distribute the necessary products. In fact, the Covid-19 emergency leads us to predict an incremental growth trend in our business».
The Capsulit group invests a large part of its turnover in technological innovation, which has certainly played a decisive role in these months, where «for example, some supplies delivered in record time have found justification in the elasticity of the service that we are able to offer the market».
What about the future? Difficult to make predictions, «also because - concludes Rossi - much will depend on how good we will be at keeping at a distance and the protocols laid down to avoid the further spread of the virus».