Federmacchine: change of presidency in a year of growth
In 2022, the Italian capital goods industry continued its growth trend that started from 2021 and in 2023 will again close with a positive result, despite a slowdown in the pace of expansion. It is in this positive economic context that Bruno Bettelli takes the place of Giuseppe Lesce as President.
The data analysed by FEDERMACCHINE’s Statistics Group were presented during the General Meeting of the members of the federation, attended by the president Giuseppe Lesce (at the end of his mandate) and the vice president of CONFINDUSTRIA, Maurizio Marchesini. The meeting also coincided with the renewal of official positions in the organisation; sole candidate for the presidency of the federation for the period 2023-2024 was Bruno Bettelli, co-founder chairman and CEO of I-tech in Sassuolo (MO).

Positive trends for the sector. The Meeting was an opportunity to present the 2022 data, a year in which the turnover of the sector arrived at 55.4 billion euros, achieving an increase of 10.7% compared to the figure for 2021, marking a new record. Exports, growing by 8.4% to 35.6 billion euros, exceeded the result of 2018, achieving a new first. The deliveries of Italian manufacturers in the internal market were also excellent; driven by consumption, they reached a value of 19.8 billion euros, an increase of 15.2% on 2021. Demand of the domestic market, moreover, further grew, arriving at a new record of 31.7 billion euros, 18.1% up compared to last year. Imports also benefitted from the dynamism of the internal market, arriving at 11.9 billion, up 23.1% against 2021. Italian enterprises in the sector have, moreover, performed well in the local market, as shown by the imports/consumption ratio, which stands at 37.6%. The export/turnover ratio fell by around one percent, to 64.3%.

A look at 2023. Looking at the forecasts, the positive trend will continue in 2023; specifically, turnover will grow to 57.7 billion (+ 4.1% against 2022), while exports, expected to grow by 3%, will reach 36.7 billion euros. Domestic consumption, finally, will arrive at 33.5 billion euros (+5.6%). Both imports, expected to grow by 4.8% to 12.5 billion euros, and deliveries of local manufacturers, expecting to reach the value of 21 billion, +6.1% against the previous year, will benefit.
Destination markets. With regards to the distribution of sales, in 2022, 35.7% of the turnover was achieved in Italy, and 27.2% of the total relates to other countries in the European Union. The UE Area therefore absorbed around 63% of the Italian turnover of the sector. Exports to north America (11.1%) and to Asia (9.7%) came next; non-EU Europe acquired 7.9% of the total. In the same year, Italian exports grew in all the major markets with the exception of China and the United Kingdom. Best of all, in terms of growth, were Mexico and India. Looking at the numbers, finally, the main destination markets were the United States (4.7 billion euros, +17.1%); Germany (3.8 billion, +8.6%); France (2.4 billion, +11.9%); China (1.9 billion, -6.2%); Turkey (1.5 billion, +7%).