From graphic codes to design for all

The finalists in the Best Packaging 2023 Contest, promoted by the Italian Packaging Institute and sponsored by the Fondazione Carta Etica del Packaging (Packaging Ethics Charter Foundation), will be on show during Milan Design Week. The Award ceremony is on 21 April.
Note: The article dedicated to the finalists of the Best Packaging 2023 contest has been edited by the editorial staff on texts in Italian and English provided by the companies.
Open from 18 to 23 April, at Archivolto Events in the heart of the Brera Design District, the “Best Packaging 2023 - L’etica del design” exhibition allows the packaging design world to recount everyday life through consumer habits. Protagonists at the event will be the 25 finalists of the Best packaging 2023 contest – of whom we give an outline in dedicated pieces - with 14 solutions for primary packaging developed for the food and cosmetics sector, and 11 products designed for display, transport and handling.
It’s worth noting that, for the first time in almost 70 years of its history, the contest was open also to PhD theses, a category in which the jury selected 3 candidates and projects from a selection of innovative startups competing for a special innovation prize. In concrete terms, the exhibition recounts packaging design through the common thread of ethics, divided into 10 values: the contemporary and far-sighted start-up projects and university theses complete the solutions of 25 finalists, which best express the values of accessibility, balance, transparency and sustainability. The exhibition is supported by a series of events, starting with the “The good packaging” masterclass given by Erik Ciravegna, University of Bologna (18 April), accompanied by the testimonials of Ambassadors of the Fondazione Carta Etica del Packaging: Poplast, Corapack, AMD Electronic, Coop Italia, Packstyle, Nestlé, Giflex and Associazione CIS.
A cultural focus on the world of printing and its history is planned for 20 April, with an artistic project linked to woodblock printing, organised by the printing Museum of Lodi. Presented by Diego Parassole, the ceremony for awarding the winners of the Best Packaging contest will take place on 21 April at 11.30, followed by the Fondazione Carta Etica del Packaging event “Salvate le piccole porzioni!” (Save small portions!).
Following, the 25 products in competition.
Finalisti categoria: StartUP

AISENT accessible, safe, responsible
Vision system for the quality control of welded seams in flexible packaging. Designed specifically for the Goglio company.

ICONE Contemporary, balanced, forward-looking, educational, responsible, sustainable
Paper packaging for the cosmetics industry.

MOVOPACK affordable, forward-looking, sustainable
Reusable packaging for e-commerce

NEWPAL affordable, forward-looking, safe
Plastic pallets made from post-consumer materials and/or post-production recovery from TetraPak composite materials.

QAUNTIX DIGITAL informative, forward-looking, safe
Industrial inkjet printing machines for printing on small cylindrical packages.
Finalisti categoria: Tesi e Dottorato

"Life cycle assessment of multilayer flexible food packaging”
Matteo Cigada (Milan Polytechnic University)

“Antibacterial and antioxidant properties of innovative packaging materials for extending the shelf-life of packaged foods”
Elena Orlo (University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli)

“Pomopla2: bio-based composite with tomato bioproducts for circular packaging application”
Benedetta Rotondo (Milan Polytechnic University)