High tech for food hygiene

Recent estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that, even in some industrialized countries, approximately 30% of the population experiences health issues related to contaminations during manufacturing (with obvious economic repercussions in terms of disease treatment and the negative consequences for single converters and entire industrial sectors).

Based on the premise that hygiene of processes should thus be considered the competitive advantage par excellence, Interroll (a global supplier of intralogistics products and services) has committed its R&D to promoting this awareness among food producers and machine builders, and it is doing so by putting out “high added value” drives that not only comply with required hygienic standards but offer a particularly advantageous solution from an energy standpoint.

Keeping consumer safety in mind. Interroll has therefore developed synchronous drum motors suitable for applications in aseptic environments and which - alone in Italy - have obtained EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group) certification, recognizing the strictest hygienic standards that a technology supplier can meet in this sector.
The motors feature exceptional reliability, robustness and very easy cleaning. They are highly compact, with IP66 and IP67 protection grades, as well as extra smooth stainless steel surfaces and can be cleaned very quickly with high pressure water jets, in such a way guaranteeing maximum quality consistency of converting and packaging processes.

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