The industrial medical and aseptic and antibacterial packaging center was born in Marcianise

With a significant investment, made leveraging exclusively on its own financial lines, Nuova Erreplast - first company of the Raccioppoli Group, excellence of flexible packaging - has started a process of production diversification with the purchase of a meltblown extruder, or of non-woven fabric, a fundamental element for making Dpi devices.
Thanks to the efforts of the Group, which firmly believes in technological innovation as a lever of development, an industrial center in the South of Italy dedicated to the medical and aseptic and antibacterial packaging industry is taking shape.

«The installation and the consequent start of the new production lines - declared the CEO Domenico Raccioppoli - allows us to further expand our field of action beyond the traditional reference markets, confirming the traditional propensity for action that has always characterized us. Even in times of great uncertainty and general difficulties, we are demonstrating that we are keeping up with process and product innovations. And this is a source of pride for our company and for the entire production system of Southern Italy “.
The extrusion plant (supplied by an Italian company) already supports the production of approximately 1.8 million masks per day, which are made in a clean room, in compliance with the strict hygiene standards required by the medical sector for packaging aseptic and antibacterial. But in the near future, it will allow the production of TNT materials destined for other areas: medical protective clothing (gowns, caps, shoe covers, sheets etc ...), topsheet/backsheet for diapers and sanitary towels, breathable membranes / vapor barrier for insulation of roofs and walls, protections for greenhouses and crops in general ...
Group synergies. Through the various companies that comprise the same, the Raccioppoli Group is able to cover the entire supply chain, starting from the raw material, up to packaging and delivery, using materials and accessories completely made in-house.
Currently, Nuova Erreplast is already active in the production of Type 1 surgical masks (MEDMASK T390), which are distributed by Medpack, together with other sanitary products imported from abroad via Bigplast. Lastly, we should mention Packingraf, which also recently entered the orbit of the Raccioppoli Group, which also manufactures cases for the medical sector.