Latest news. Selective packaging alliance

Una combinazione di esperienze nella cartotecnica di lusso, capacità e storia: Pusterla 1880 (di proprietà della famiglia Meana) e The London Fancy Box Co Ltd (Dover, UK) hanno annunciato un’alleanza strategica, da cui nascerà uno dei più grandi gruppi cartotecnici europei, focalizzato sul packaging in cartoncino di alta gamma.

A combination of experience in luxury converting, skills and history: Pusterla 1880 (owned by the Meana family) and The London Fancy Box Co Ltd (Dover, UK) have announced a strategic alliance, which will lead to the creation of one of the largest packaging groups in Europe focussed on cardboard high end packaging. The various phases are that, in 2014, LFB will come under the complete control of Pusterla 1880 and that Christopher and Matthew Lawson - members of the family that has guided the glorious UK converting concern for 115 years and its current majority shareholders - will align with the Meana family with a minority share in Pusterla 1880.

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