Servotecnica and positive thinking

Reduced contraction in turnover thanks to the continuity of deliveries

Emilio Bistoletti and Sabrina Bistoletti, respectively CEO and Communication Manager of Servotecnica, specialist in motion control.

«Servotecnica has never stopped working, also thanks to the fact that - explains Sabrina Bistoletti - in 2019 we completely digitized the internal organizational procedures: we were therefore able to activate smartworking in real time and, having recognized our activity as essential, as required by the government decree, we were able to guarantee the processing of orders and deliveries to customers of the primary production chain.

In fact, every smartworking worker had a laptop with remote connection software installed, which in fact allowed the virtual transfer of the workstation to the home for full operation.

At the state of the art - continues the manager - Servotecnica has managed to cope with the situation, avoiding social safety nets and trying to protect its employees as much as possible. Attentive as we are to technological evolution, we immediately took action to allow them to work safely both in the company and at home, providing all of the appropriate tools: in addition to complying with national prevention protocols, we have, for example, invested in the purchase of devices for sanitizing the air and surfaces, so as to guarantee a safe environment for workers, but also for customers and our partners».

Emilio Bistoletti intervenes on the impact of the Coronavirus emergency on production, turnover and orders, who reports of a situation that is in many ways comforting: «We have not lost market share, but we report a 25% drop in orders on the first quarter compared to the budget. However, the turnover had a much lower than expected contraction, as we managed to maintain the continuity of deliveries to the industrial sector which remained active during the lockdown. However, a review of the spending plan was necessary, planned in consideration of a 20% reduction on an annual basis. The trend in order collection for the month of May - the CEO points out - seems to suggest a good recovery. We are therefore confident in the second half of the year that it will recover the two months of lockdown, allowing a better closing than the post Covid-19 revised forecast».

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