When the young lead the family business…
From the LIUC University and Banca Sella, a study on the creation of value in family businesses and on the contribution of the new generations.

The new generations in a company can be a key element for the creation of value, contributing to the renewal and success of the family business thanks to process and product innovation, the development of a new strategic plan and the transformation of the business model. Other aspects, such as digitalisation, managerialisation and internationalisation, as well as the adoption of strategies addressed to sustainability and social responsibility, are equally significant.
This is what emerges from the book “Imprese familiari e creazione di valore - Il contributo delle nuove generazioni” (Family businesses and the creation of value - the contribution of the new generations) by Valentina Lazzarotti and Salvatore Sciascia, co-directors of FABULA (the Family Business Lab of LIUC - Cattaneo University) and published in collaboration with Banca Sella for Guerini Next.
The book, with preface by Maurizio Sella, Chairman of the Sella Group, and afterword by Federico Visconti, Rector of LIUC Cattaneo University, analyses 15 business cases in which the new generations have concretely participated in the change and affirmation of the family business, besides summarising the scientific literature on the question.
For every business, the drivers that have contributed to determining the entrepreneurship of the young leaders are described, subdividing them into individual, family, corporate and contextual factors. In addition, the different forms of entrepreneurship developed by the new generations (innovation, renewal and venturing) are described, as well as the virtuous effects of this process. It’s a text that manages to combine the rigour of academic research with the pragmatism of a case study approach and offers ideas and practical advice for those who wish to embark on a positive transformation of the business they are called upon to lead.