Anti-waste packaging

Ilip è tra i protagonisti dello spazio Innovationparc Packaging, che Interpack 2014 ha dedicato a Save Food, l’iniziativa lanciata da Messe Düsseldorf in collaborazione con FAO per combattere lo spreco alimentare.

The concern, which hails from Italy’s Emilia region and is a member of the Ilpa group, was the first thermoformed plastic packaging manufacturer to join this industry project. The final objective: to identify solutions to a problem which, in addition to obvious economic and humanitarian considerations, also generates “waste” in the form of enormous quantities of CO2 (3.3 billion t, according to the FAO’s own reports).In concrete terms, Ilip’s commitment takes the form of research. Working closely with the University of Bologna, the concern is studying how interactions between packaging and garden produce products influence shelf life. In terms of sustainability of its own products and processes, Ilip is the only European concern in the sector employing a vertically integrated process that starts with post-consumption recycling of PET bottles and ends with the production of new r-PET food packaging.

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