Flowpackers: from HMI to servomotors, via EtherCAT

The latest generation of flowpackers need to combine flexibility, reliability and lowered costs. Servotecnica offers an LSiS system to solve this equation, supplying a complete package, featuring HMI (human-machine interface), PLC and servomotors, based on an EtherCAT fieldbus.

The use of the EtherCAT communication protocol enables taking advantage of 100 Mbps bandwidth and all the flexibility of a digital system, resulting in extremely quick response times for quick changeover, preventing material wastage.

All about flexibility. The system Servotecnica is offering includes the XGF-M32E axis controller, which can run up to 32 motors at a time. Many functionalities are available, including electronic cams, electric axes and dynamic phasing for motion correction. The functional block list, which meets both the Ds402 and IEC61131-3 standards, guarantees extremely short development and configuration times. All this has enabled the creation of modular, flexible flowpack packages, for basic 3-axis systems as well as more complex ones with additional axes.
All boards are connected to a rack of variable size depending on the modules or system in use. The number of available slots varies from 4 to up to 8, and customers can also extend it using a local bus. Both 220 VAC and 24 VDC power supplies are available. The two main modules are the XGI-CPUS CPU module and the XGF-M32E motion card.
Both equipped with a multitasking system, the two modules perform different tasks and coordinate with one another through continuous high speed data sharing. This enables the motion system to dedicate its entire processing power to managing the motion and fieldbus.
The minimum cycle time is 1ms, and the fieldbus has 1µs of jitter. Depending on need, input/output modules can be installed in 16 places, enabling up to 32 inputs and 32 outputs, or, when necessary, up to 256 outputs.

Temperature under control. Even thermocouples can be managed with the PLC thanks to the XGF-TC4RT module. With the right temperature algorithms it is possible to have remarkably precise sealing plates under all work conditions.
The innovation of the new temperature control solution, especially during preheating, keeps the machine always ready to perform effective seals.
Also available to help guarantee more accurate temperature control is the latest generation of SVTS E series rotary joints, which are easy to install and feature IP65 grade protection: in this case, the use of precious metals for the rings and brushes enables obtaining temperature readings impervious to electric interference.  
The touch probe function makes it possible to locate markers on the fly, enhancing precision of both sealing and cutting.

Simple communication with high grade protection. It’s possible to match the PLC with HMIs of various sizes. The most common is the eXP40 series 7’’ TFT LCD display with Windows CE 6.0 R3 operating system and 64 MB of memory. It has three ports for RS-232, RS-485 and Ethernet 10/100BASE-T protocols. Finally, its real strength lies in its IP65 grade of protection. These HMIs, combined with the power of a latest generation CPU, enable uninterrupted monitoring of machine functions and performing preventive maintenance on working parts.
Thanks to the monitoring of current absorbed by the motors, it is also possible to check whether the system is running properly or with inefficiencies. HD graphics with preinstalled images facilitates monitoring of moving parts, in addition to identifying potential criticalities.
The passthrough functions on the HMI systems enable using the panels as a remote debugging system, so that a PC is not required to run diagnostics.

The drive system is based on APM FL series brushless motors with incremental or absolute encoder feedback. The motors belong to the “flat” line, which features minimized bulk. They are equipped with standard cables and can be easily connected to L7 series drives, with 220 or 380 VAC and EtherCAT protocol.

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