Good to FOOD: food coding made easy with CIJ.Z
CIJ.Z is the “good” marking system for food, because it is modulated only on the essential functions of the coding process, balanced and designed in a responsible way, operator-friendly, to make its use simple and error-proof.
Zanasi presents CIJ.Z, the only system in the world which is configurable, re-configurable and qualified for a GMP-compliant ink management: an Italian excellence at the service of Made in Italy agro-foods, a sector that plays a strategic role for the national economy and for export all over the world.
Italy is the country with the largest number of agri-food products with controlled designation of origin or protected geographical indication, which are the expression of the uniqueness of the territory and the quality of the production of many small, medium and large companies.
The challenges that producers in the food sector have to face are those of a market that requires the adoption of distribution models that are different from the past, products with functional and nutritional characteristics that require an increasingly vital innovation in the processing of raw materials, a radical transparency to guarantee the origin of the product and, therefore, an uncompromising traceability, an increasingly recognizable and sustainable packaging.The perfectly legible and long-lasting printing of variable codes, lots and expiry dates on multiple types of sustainable substrates, including those coming from recycling, is guaranteed by consumables formulated in Zanasi’s chemical R&D department, with particular attention to sustainability.

Good, fair and always interconnected
Frequent product changes in a food production line, characterized by short downtimes, require a fast and easy-to-use marking tool. Thanks to Design Thinking as an approach to design, seasonal operators do not need specific training: the system is essential and proportionally functional to the experience and skills of the user. Interactive functions simplify communication between technology and operator, for immediate learning even where specific technical skills are required.
Remote management allows direct control over the marking systems: messages can be preset centrally and sent to the various production lines, with full control of all available functions.
Guaranteed uptime
CIJ.Z.’s Orkestra® software platform is programmed to report anomalies and guide the operator through independent troubleshooting, without recourse to technical assistance.
The marker is able to recognize the environment in which it is located and the best uptime is guaranteed by control systems and auto-setting, which preserve the working parameters ensuring high printing performance in any condition and eliminating stops at inopportune moments. Maintenance is reduced to a minimum.