Managing the label in the pharmaceutical industry: a survey

In cooperation  with Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, NiceLabel (software solutions for labeling and marking) carried out a survey on a target of a hundred purchasing heads of label management systems in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries.

Control of documents, integration of the label management systems with ERP/MES and other systems, web print and scalability were indicated as the most common problems in an evermore complex and fragmented production environment, that often entails the management of several products, headquarters and markets.
Only 14% of those interviewed had achieved full 100% integration with MES/ERP systems and over 34% still use separate systems  to manage their own printers for labeling and marking. But operating with systems that are not connected up makes updating and managing databases extremely difficult, with the consequent loss of earnings, productivity and quality, to the detriment of the very safety of the consumer. As well as that,  among the priorities of the pharmaceutical companies one has the conformity to the standards about to be issued  (80% of those taking part in the surveys listed them as key factors to be considered at the moment of choice of the label management software). In the light of these observations, one has the need of a single centralised platform for designing labels, control of changes, printing, integration and management.

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