Omas Industries | IPACK-IMA 2022

Established in 1966, Omas Industries is today one of the main players in the milling industry, thanks to its ability to devise innovative machines and cutting-edge “turn key” plant designs for the production of food flours for bakery, pasta-making and shelf-stable finished products.
«With the Leonardo mill, an innovation recognized worldwide, we are the only ones to offer maximum flexibility to the milling process, thanks to the instantaneous possibility of varying the speed of the cylinders, changing the type of milling in a few seconds.
This makes it possible to obtain different products from the same cereal or to process different cereals without changing the milling diagram. Thanks to the patented OKS - Omas Kers System, the system allows an energy saving of about 15Kwh/ton by exploiting the recovery of the kinetic energy generated by the cylinders.
We aim to offer not just machines, but a factory 4.0 system, which we have called Flexy Mill, capable of giving maximum flexibility to the plant, not only in terms of recipes, but also in terms of optimizing production times».
Luigi Nalon, Managing Director