Open house: slitters and more

From 22nd to 24th of July, Laem System (Casale Monferrato, AL) will be holding an open house to present the new TR4 converter series, a heavy duty and high performing turret slitter rewinder.

On show and up and running will be two mirror positioned models with integrated options: fully automatic positioning of the knives and counter knives, core positioning assisted by motorized laser, automatic reel closure of the finished reels, gluing of finished reels and automatic extraction of the same on a fully automatic unloader. In partnership with Eutro Log, Laem System has devised a finished roll automated system with robot and conveyor belts, that can control, package in individual bags, label and then palletize all finished reels coming from the two slitters. In this way material quality is improved, human contact with materials and bottlenecks in the slitting and packaging section are avoided and productivity significantly increase.

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