The surprises of Heidelberg

Discover Hei. The communication campaign designed by the printing and processing multinational to signal its presence at drupa draws on people’s curiosity and deliberately avoids anticipating news on technologies that will be launched at Düsseldorf.

The new features at their stand - the people at Macchingraf (Bollate, MI), distributor for Italy of Heidelberg products, explain - are indeed many and significant, and if in some cases they relate to specific product areas, in others they concern machine design in general, in order to maximize efficiency or sustainability for example.
Thus the user - aptly guided by slogans and images - can choose whether to explore the Hei Productivity area to find solutions that make processes leaner, faster and more reliable, or the Hei Eco area where equipment made to environmentally and economically compatible criteria will be presented; in the Hei Emotions area proposals for finishing will be placed on show while in Hei Integration the visitor will be informed on workflows. Hei Flexiblity deals with digital and offset equipment designed to increase the flexibility of each solution. Lastly, Hei End: for post press technology of course.

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