True to tast

A-hundred-and-thirty years on, the Belgian company Filliers has revolutionized the packaging of the Dutch 30° jenever, marking a new stage in the renewal of the  juniper based liquors line, enriched by new fruit flavors that are captivating the younger target group.

Objective: rejuvenate the image of the product without betraying the quality and flavor of a tradition that resides in the original recipe, based on rye wine aged in oak barrels, which dates back to 1880. From  April 1st the jenever fruit and cream liquor will be presented in the new O-I bottle, produced by the company that has been supplying Filliers with glass packaging for the last twenty years. Patrick Waegemakers,  O-I manager in the Benelux for beer, spirits and wine, illustrates the new packaging: «The slender bottle with its prominent shoulders evokes a stylized column, made more important by the thick base and the elegant black and silver closure, as well as by the embossed letter F, emblematic of style and quality. Recipes for cocktails, regularly updated, have been added to the label on the back of the container».


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