VEE picking systems

In automatic packaging processes, speed is fundamental. That’s why Schmalz has developed the “vacuum end effectors (VEE)”: a modular system that enables reducing time cycles and streamlining the planning process.

This system represents a brilliant picking solution for high speed pick & place processes, openly configurable thanks to the coordination of its single components. Planning and construction of the VEE are minimized thanks to the ease of integration with the most common 3D CAD systems.
FDA approved and lightweight, the VEE allows for a wide selection of suction cups for bags, blisters, cartons, etc…
The VEE can also be configured online, and this feature has enabled Schmalz to offer another major advantage to users: once setup is completed, they will receive the 3D CAD design and the list of materials.
Lastly, users can select and order the individual pieces that make up the system.

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