Luxury Packaging 2024 | Fontana Grafica
Sustainable and beautiful: a possible combination
As is now the case for all manufacturers of packaging and packaging materials, and also the case for Winter & Company - of which Fontana Grafica is its partner in Italy - sustainability is a central theme in product development.
Muriel Mangold, Head of Marketing and Communication of the Swiss multinational, has talked to us about this:
«We look, in particular, at the sustainability of our products, seeking recyclable materials and, in general, processing waste, to then transform them into new resources and thereby create alternative and high-quality alternatives. Starting from PCW/PIW (Post-Consumer-Waste, Post-Industrial-Waste), we produce, in fact, a wide variety of materials ranging from bookbinding canvases made with plastic collected from the ocean to recycled PET flocked materials, and to luxury coverings characterised by effects capable of enhancing the purchasing experience starting from the touch. Recent new developments in this segment include Ecorel® Pure, presented at Luxe Pack, adding to the rich portfolio of Winter Wrup recycled materials which already numbers over 180 sustainable products.
In addition to this there is the more recent Winlay®, an innovative packaging in plastic free high-quality thermoformed cellulose fibre, which combines eco-compatibility, versatility and extraordinary aesthetic quality».