Dedicated to the responsible consumer
As a child of our times, the issue of sustainability has also entered by force into the shopping bag of Italians who, on supermarket shelves, want to find not only products but also packaging that can be identified as eco-friendly. Contital’s many solutions are largely made of recycled raw materials.
Even before the issue of sustainable development became a major theme for the industrial world, Contital started a process of conversion of production, increasingly oriented towards the use of recycled raw materials, to meet the needs of the emerging figure of the “responsible consumer”.
The company produces standard aluminum containers with 98.6% recycled raw material and, in the last period, has launched on the market a new range of disposable plates made with 100% recycled aluminum (certified “Remade In Italy” data).

Award-winning dishes
The innovative recycled aluminum plates - on which an LCA study was also carried out that showed highly competitive scientific values of environmental impact - were designed not only for the end consumer, but also for large-scale distribution and the restaurant and catering sector.
Symbol of Made in Italy, since it is produced entirely in Italy, the patented Contital line includes circular Super-Deep, Deep, Flat and Dessert Dishes, as well as Square Dishes. They are available in white or silver color and have significant advantages over similar products on the market because they are extra rigid, suitable for use in traditional or microwave ovens, and are also suitable for freezing and deep-freezing.
This set of pluses has earned the dishes important international awards, such as the ADI Packaging Design Award, the Bronze A’ Design Award and the Alufoil Trophy 2020.

Anti-waste gourmet containers
Following the strong development of food delivery, Contital studied an equally environmentally friendly product that could also satisfy the customers of haute cuisine.
The result of this research is the Eclipse line: elegant extra-rigid containers in black and gold lacquered aluminum, infinitely recyclable, capable of enhancing, at the restaurant as well as at home, the most elaborate culinary preparations.
Resistant and resealable with special lids in recyclable material, these elegant trays can be used to deliver any type of food, even highly acidic and salty.
Moreover, thanks to the smooth edge, the containers can be easily sealed with a heat-sealable film, thus representing an ideal solution also for canteens, catering and delicatessens.
The Eclipse can be used to heat food in both traditional and microwave ovens, and to store food in the refrigerator or freezer, thus helping to prevent food waste.