The BEST PACKAGING 2023 winners
The 9 winners of the 2023 edition of the Best Packaging competition, dedicated to the theme of Quality Design, received their awards on 21 April during the Milan Design Week. Alessandra Fazio, president of the Istituto Italiano Imballaggio (Italian Packaging Institute) interviewed the innovation and future winners together with the comedian and trainer Diego Parassole.

The Jury, chaired by Professor Valeria Bucchetti, coordinator of the Communication Design course in the Milan Polytechnic, assessed the projects on the basis of the structural dimension, evaluating the innovation of the formal solution and its aesthetic, semantic and sensorial quality as well as the visual structure, considering the originality of the narrative model and the quality of the graphic forms, the attention given to informative aspects through the quality of the graphic solutions aimed at transmitting information referring to the packaging and/or its contents and, finally, the means of use, with particular attention to ergonomic, service and performance improvements. Five solutions, between primary and transport, were chosen for having fully reflected the criteria set out in the competition regulations. The “Special environment prize”, sponsored by Conai, was also awarded to the solution that most demonstrated to have applied eco-design criteria, in terms of prevention at source. Another special prize was awarded for “technological innovation”, sponsored by Ipack-Ima.
Young people: drivers of innovation. The works of university research and innovative start-up projects which design products, services and consultancy relating to the world of packaging were admitted for the first time in almost 60 years of the competition’s history, and which stood out for novelty and originality or the high technological content offered. With the support of the Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation, a special innovation prize was, therefore, awarded both to a service start-up in the packaging sector and a research thesis.
As Alessandra Fazio pointed out, in her dual role of President of the Italian packaging institute and of the Ethical Packaging Charter Foundation: «I was determined to bring student and start-up categories into the competition, because young people are drivers of innovation».

Here are the winners, with the Jury’s motivations: