Optimising production with zenon MTP Suite
The Austrian software house, Copa Data, brings its “plug and produce” concept to SPS, presenting the advantages offered by the zenon MTP Suite: based on the MTP (Module Type Package) standard, it makes it possible to reconfigure systems easily and quickly, digitally connecting different components and modules, organising activities in order to modify the configuration of systems on the basis of effective production needs.
Knowing zenon
This event will, therefore, further consolidate awareness of the strengths of zenon, the software platform for industrial automation developed by Copa Data, which has been supporting end users, machine builders and system integrators in the food & beverage, pharmaceutical, energy & infrastructure and automotive markets for over 35 years. It’s a unique software programme, able to manage a variety of aspects ranging from IT and OT to the digitalisation of procedures and processes, from connectivity and communication for IIoT projects to the collection, storage and analysis of data to optimize energy and resource consumption. Thanks to the over 300 communication drivers, zenon connects to the majority of industrial devices and machines, making the final user independent of hardware. The user-friendly and scalable platform collects data and stores them, allowing for the display and creation of reports on different devices, also in HTML5. At SPS, Copa Data is also presenting its “application sets”, software packets equipped with all the functionalities and templates ready for use to create HMI applications in the energy and pharmaceutical sector.
On the communication front, the company will be making its own contribution to “Digitalizzazione dell’industria farmaceutica: criticità e nuovi approcci nell’integrazione dati tra shopfloor e servizi EBR (Electronic Batch Record)” (Digitalisation in the pharmaceutical industry: critical areas and new approaches in the integration of data in the shopfloor and EBR (Electronic Batch Record) services), taking part in the “Strategie e sfide per una manifattura competitiva, sostenibile e digitale” (Strategies and challenges for a competitive, sustainable and digital manufacturing) conference planned for 25 May in the trade fair.