Peter Hide 311065, Behind the cover ItaliaImballaggio 05/2024

Crumplage di banconote,
etichette e sigilli da spedizione,
cassetta di legno
Peter Hide 311065 (Franco Crugnola) was born in Varese in 1965. A creative designer by profession, he conceived and designed with his wife the first ever e-book in 1992 (INCIPIT).
He has collaborated in the field of design with important companies, such as Swatch and Alessi, and with leading furnishing brands. His passion for art began in the 1980s during his gap year in New York, where he met leading lights in international pop and street art. Returning to Italy, he began his career in the world of art as an independent artist.
He is a pioneer - together with Gianni Colosimo and Cesare Pietroiusti - of the global artistic movement (defined by Luca Beatrice in one of his last essays as “Money Art”) which, through the systematic use of banknotes in works, used as a material support, investigates the delicate relationship between society and economy, the individual and money, as a “message” of a contemporary malaise.

Banconote e trappola per topi, cm 20x15x4, 2020
Over to the author. Like a “cobblestone” (the cubic-shaped stone that forms the pavement of ancient streets) represents the small part of a journey that leads an individual from one place to another, the material representation of this element in my journey represents the beginning of my personal path on a new road.
It’s a path in which man gradually acquires a different awareness regarding his relationship with money: no longer a tool of abuse and corrupt power, but a possibility for growth and civilisation. [email protected]