Folding the future
40th National Conference GIFASP. A small step towards the return to normality
23-24 July 2021, Venice, Hotel Hilton Molino Stucky

Gifasp (Italian Group of Carton and Folding Box Manufacturers) organizes and promotes collective actions to spread the use and consumption of folding cartons and boxes, in Italy and Europe, thanks also to the activities of ECMA (European Carton Makers Association), which is affiliate. For more information
Many months after the last meeting (Palermo, June 21-22, 2019), GIFASP called together its members on July 23-24 for an in-person event, recording to all intents and purposes a good participation, considering the continuing climate of health emergency.
With its emblematic title - "A small step towards the return to normality" - the 40th GIFASP National Convention was above all a stimulating and constructive opportunity to return to the life of the association, made up of personal relationships and discussions on the most interesting and topical issues for the sector and the supply chain of carton and folding box manufacturers.
This year, the topics on the table were essentially linked to the post-covidium scenarios of packaging and the paper industry as a whole.
Interventions at a glance
• È stato il Presidente GIFASP Alessandro Tomassini ad aprire i lavori pubblici del Convegno nel pomeriggio di venerdì 23 luglio, presentando una relazione sulle attività e sulla gestione del Gruppo durante gli ultimi due anni di emergenza sanitaria, che hanno grosso modo coinciso con il periodo della sua presidenza, iniziata ufficialmente a giugno 2019.
• Marco Cazzola (Cazzola Consulting) illustrated a series of opportunities and related fiscal and financial tools for paper companies in the post-pandemic context of the crisis of uncontrolled globalization.
• Elisabetta Bottazzoli, Project Manager of the Paper and Graphics Federation presented the opportunities for companies in the paper industry to overcome the criticalities of covid thanks to targeted strategies of environmental, social and economic sustainability.
• Michele Bianchi, as President CEPI Cartonboard, focused on the international scenario, examining the trend of paper raw materials for the cellulose carton sector.
• Finally, Gianandrea Totaro, coordinator of the Gifasp Technical Committee, presented a detailed update of the technical training/information activities carried out by the Gifasp Academy for the benefit of the associated converting companies..
Space for sharing and conviviality
Joyful and jovial the moment of the delivery of the celebratory plaques to the companies A. De Robertis & Figli, Abar, Box Marche, Grafiche Favillini, Icis, Litocartotecnica Ival, Lucaprint, members of Gifasp for 25 years; also full of meaning were the awards to La
Litografica di F. Fornaroli and Palladio Group for their 50 years of association with Gifasp.
In the final analysis, the two-day event in Venice was held under the banner of sharing and respect. It also testified to the aggregation capacity of the Gifasp group, which can count on the active participation of excellent converting companies, widely recognized on the domestic and foreign markets.
News from the associates
Quality, technology, creativity: these are the Muses that have inspired Labanti e Nanni Industrie Grafiche e Cartotecniche since the beginning, back in 1953.
Bolognese by birth and strongly rooted in the territory, the "store" - as the president, engineer Antonio Bonacini, still likes to call it - has been able to carve out ever larger spaces in the packaging market in the wake of constant and targeted investments that not even the global crises (first economic, then health) have slowed down.
This is testified by the purchase of the new Roland R708PLTTLV 8-color printing press. Trivalent, equipped with logistics and capable of printing over 18,000 sheets per hour, the latest addition to the Labanti and Nanni family is one of the few printing machines in Europe and the only one in Italy with this type of configuration, able to guarantee extreme flexibility and high quality standards.